Heathercougar - Online
The Essentials
Last Seen: Online
Joined: Jan 01, 1997
Age: 65
Gender: Crossdresser
Location: Wilton, CT, US
Interested In: Crossdresser
HIV Status: Negative
Height: 5 ft. 10 in. /177.80 cm.
Weight: 170 lbs.
Race/Ethnicity: White
About Me
As to an update on Heather's life? Damn I wish I could say that she has gone out since I last updated this spot over two years ago, but alas, she still remains this "fair maiden" locked behind hotel doors. I have met so many new and great froends while on line, so no complaints there, but I yearn for the by gone days when I went out occasionally and kicked up my heels and danced! Heather does still remain a big part of who I am, yet situations (my own doing) have not allowed for her to blossom as others. In fact...I would say that the closet has yet again opened and she has returned to the solitude and safety that damned closet provides. So if you see me, know that ...and also know that I yearn to some day venture out in the real world again. But until that day arrives.....my solitude is mostly in the drab and really poorly decorated hotel rooms you see in most of my photos. I still do have the infrequent opportunities to dress and to some how maintain some semblance of sanity by communicating with all of you pretty ladies. And I remain a stead fast addict to shopping!!!! It's just becoming rather difficult to find spots in my home to hide it all. To my friends, and even those I have yet to meet, you are still my foundation (besides what I apply to my face), so if you see me on line, PLEASE say Hi!